ATTENTION: Intelligent People...
“Amazing New 3-Step Strategy Reveals How To Think More Like A Genius, Improve Your Memory, And To Quickly And Easily Get More Stuff Done -- Automatically!”
Find out step-by-step how to STOP… wasting time, PAY ATTENTION to your mind, FOLLOW THROUGH easily on your goals, so you can rapidly race forward and capture your dreams using this incredibly powerful new strategy that helps you to develop strong mental powers and willingness to act with enthusiasm.
(Click Here To Download Audio Book Version)
By: Nathan Blaszak, Cht.
Dear success minded individual,
- What if suddenly, you could gain complete control of your subconscious mind to achieve your innermost desires?
- What if suddenly, you could take back control your mind and learn to use your most precious tool so that it serves you as you see fit and brings you riches, wealth, abundance ...success?
- What if suddenly, you could rapidly develop new skills, implement business plans and strategies, and always follow-through on your plans so you could accomplish more, in less time, and reap the fruits of your labors?
Sounds too good to be true?
I used to think so too. Until it happened to me.
Let's See If You Can Relate To This...
Hopefully, your story isn’t as painful as mine. I was in debt. Bills were coming in that I couldn’t pay. That alone hurt my relationship. To top it off, I had just came out of an expensive lawsuit from an accident involving a death that robbed me of massive amounts of time and money.
So I did the usual. I read books and explored on the Internet to gain more knowledge and insight into how to solve my problems.
I listened to motivational and self-improvement speakers.
I said affirmations. Did self-hypnosis. Studied NLP, metaphysics, and quantum physics more deeply, and while I was making some progress and some things seemed to improve, nothing really worked out the way that I really wanted it to.
What I Didn't Know (And Remembered Again) Was That I Needed An Actual Strategy!
Failure is not a fun topic to discuss. But did you know that blurry focus, resistance to change, poor communication, your incentives not aligned with strategy, and ignoring your problems are the top reasons why you are unsuccessful?
That's why you need strategy so you can steer away from failure and quickly drive into success.
Even more in my face, money would come in but go right back out just as fast as it came in. It was like I found myself in a no-win pattern of trying to breakthrough to the next level and then almost get there, but then wind up never getting there ...Like a nightmare that was difficult to wake up from. It sucked.
Finally, I had enough and decided that if I got myself into this mess, then I could get myself out of it. I’m sure glad I made that decision because boy did I ever!
The Decision That Changed My Life...
In a very strange unlikely series of random events, I was sort of -- almost as if by accident, "indoctrinated" into a weird society of young and wealthy business owners.
They heard about me and my NLP and persuasion expertise and were interested in me showing them what I knew. They were a group of guys who had been earning their fortunes on the Internet as I had been doing but they were doing it better than me. They drove gas guzzling exotic cars, lived in luxury homes. One had even made over $10,000,000.000 (yes! TEN MILLION DOLLARS!)
Initially, I had thought that they were “privileged” and were born into a rich family. I was wrong. They got their start working low wage boring routine rut jobs and having bosses. None of them enjoyed that lifestyle and so they decided to become their own boss. -- AND … incidentally, we all eventually just sort of found each other and then started hanging out.
This Led Me In A Surprising, Unexpected Event That I Wasn't Even Ready For!
At a backyard pool party with live music and adults having fun in the sun, one of them pulled me off to the side and started to open up to me. He had been having a few drinks so I think it loosened up his tongue a bit. He expressed gratitude towards how I communicated.
I explained to him my problem, and that’s when he started to reveal to me a 3-step process, that when mastered, and turned into a habit can turn you into an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.
As he revealed the secret to me, I sat there like a child during story time and absorbed every nugget of the strategy he revealed to me.
After he told me his 3-step secret, I asked myself…
Could This Be It? The "Holy Grail" Of Self-Actualization?
Well, the next day, I began to apply it. Slowly at first. Trying hard to remember each step because memorization begins by doing it.
Then the next day I applied it some more. It got easier to do (and more exciting). This is where you begin to gain momentum.
By the third day I couldn’t wait to jump out of bed! I’d get get up, and work vigorously (enjoyably). I had already become more organized in my environment and with my time. Imagine what would happen if this happened to you.
Finally, after about a week or so, something in my mind “clicked” into clear understanding. I finally “got” what that young man had said to me next to that pool that day. And now I was ready -- really ready to begin to apply this 3-step strategy. Picture what it would be like to know exactly what to do and how to do things when you encounter a problem.
- The first thing I did was apply it towards my unfinished projects. One by one, projects that had gone unfinished -- one right after the next that had been haunting me for so long quickly resolved themselves. It was like nothing even seemed challenging anymore and that I could do anything.
- I developed new skills. The first time I tried it was to learn to play the guitar. And now I can literally play like Van Halen (well, at least I can play “Hot For The Teacher” -- a very difficult song indeed :=) I’ve also written two songs.
- My business took off like a rocket. I’d get an idea to go into business, I’d apply this strategy and quickly found myself sitting inside my office collecting from profit centers coming at me from every direction. Checks arrived in the mail. Sales came in from telephone calls. Thousands of dollars were pouring into my bank accounts each day I used this strategy and I was loving every minute of it.
What I found most interesting, however, was I had noticed that I could remember more things easier. Business plans, methods to sell, strategies, you name it -- facts, figures, statistics… Obviously, by now I had began to realize that I had been given a powerful strategy indeed.
It was as if a light switch had gone off in my brain and for the first time could see the simplicity in everything. My mind was Sharp. Focused. Determined. And I had developed such a powerful discipline that seemed to always lead me either to more riches and success or sudden breakthroughs that accelerated my goals and manifestation ambitions towards fast completion.
Applying This 3-Step Strategy Is Easy
It took just a few minutes to start applying this new strategy. Step one, step two step three. I found myself turning into one of the most powerful habits I possess today -- and now I’m giving it to you
Here's What It Is About And How It Can Work For You
- What I’ve done for you is simple. I’ve created a brand new video training class that shows you how to apply this 3-step strategy THE SAME DAY YOU LEARN IT.
- I share “my take” and understanding of this amazing little 3-step strategy in simple, easy to follow bite sized chunks that you can easily digest and absorb. When you do, it eventually becomes habitualized.
That means you will see your currently reality as small challenges and be able to quickly resolve your current or future problems as you quickly step over them.
That means you can begin to apply your newfound knowledge immediately so you can quickly and easily begin to strengthen your weak mental muscles into strong, healthy, and focused ones using this remarkable 3-step brain power and self-actualization strategy.
That also means that you can quickly conquer your goals, desires, and ambitions without fear of failure, the need for any luck, or having to depend on others for help.
This Brand New Video Training Class is called…
“The New Genius Code” -- How To Sharpen Your Focus, Think Like A Genius, And Get More Stuff Done!
At last! The strategy to MASSIVE success is here!
So if you're...
- Tired of being confused.
- Have tried success programs before but they were too complicated.
- You don’t believe something as easy as this 3-step process could do so much for you so fast...
Hey, I don’t blame you on the last one!
Remember, I happened to be lucky enough to be at the foot of a multi-millionaire who I KNEW that I could learn a LOT from. I didn’t care how easy it was. If it was easy, then I was going to do it. I thought “hey, I’m going to check out this secret and see it for myself. After all, what could it really hurt? What I’m doing now isn’t working, and it seems to be working well for them. So it’s worth a shot.”
Even if you’re still skeptical I don’t blame you. It’s natural. It’s also natural that if you keep doing the same things, you’re going to get the same results. So it might be worth it to at least check out what this program can do for you today.
But don’t worry, it’s totally safe because I’ve removed all the risk. (I’ll tell you about my simple, no-hassles guarantee in a moment).
So if you're...
In need of relief from the stress and pressure you currently have in your life.
- Desire to build strong sense of self-worth and confidence.
- Looking to gain discipline, thought, and more power and control, then…
Here’s What This Valuable Video Training Class Can For For You:
- Discover how to unlock the hidden power of your mind by following this proven strategy so you can achieve more, overcome fears, obstacles, and challenges -- even if currently, the odds are stacked against you.
- Unlike other success programs, this one is fast, easy, and designed to get you results fast.
- Learn how to build confidence in yourself that you really can do ANYTHING and always know what to do when faced with opposition to virtually guarantee success and make little or no mistakes as you learn to quickly escape any failure.
- How to THINK in a new way that you have never been told about. (How surprised would you be to discover that you’ve had this mind power all along and were trained NOT to use it?) Here’s how to reactivate it again.
- Once activated, gain the knowledge you need to apply this strategy successfully. You will hear stories, analogies, and descriptions -- the same way I had been taught ...only BETTER! That means rapid absorption of this little-known knowledge and strategy so you can apply it quicker in your life to get the easy results you want and need.
- This program is a condensed mini-version of a live seminar lecture setting that is worth thousands. That means you can rapidly learn the material and avoid spending a fortune in travel, lodging and food expenses. That means you will learn it fast so you can apply it quicker than ever before.
If you consider yourself intelligent to a degree, and reached a plateau in search for a breakthrough, this very well could be what you’ve been looking for!
You Get The Knowledge, Insights, and Understanding You Need to Become Successful As You Discover How To Use Integrated Thinking, So You Can Easily Implement Powerful Strategies To Unleash Definite, Repeatable, And Even Automated Success!
That means more power, advantages, and ability to quickly and easily solve your problems while getting smarter at the same time.
So What’s The Cost For This Incredible Video Training Download Package?
Listen. Knowledge is only powerful if it meets the following 3 criteria:
- It is the right knowledge.
- It is paired with strategy.
- It can be duplicated.
Not only am I going to show you "what to do" -- like so many others, I’m going to show you "how" to think, what to do when you’re consuming knowledge, how to turn that knowledge into action -- successfully, every time!
What Is Knowing These Secrets Worth to You?
What if you could use it to build massive wealth? And achieve more in a day than you could in a week -- and actually enjoy doing what you do?!
What if your problems went away because you knew how to easily conquer them faster than ordinary people?
What if you found out that wealthy people think and do things differently and that is the reason they are wealthier and more powerful than you?
...What would you do after you learn their secret?
You can do anything you want using this secret. Knowing how to think and what to do to generate massive wealth very quickly is a skill that most people go their entire lives without ever truly understanding how to do.
But it instead of paying to attend an expensive seminar that would cost you thousands, and instead of making a HUGE package packed with hours and hours of training for hundreds of dollars, “The New Genius Code” is just $397.
It's Totally Worth It To Begin To Learn And Apply "The New Genius Code" Today!
Listen, things CHANGE for you once you begin your new journey of self-mastery and discovery with “The New Genius Code”.
You eliminate bad thinking habits. You establish a new code of thinking. Tasks become easy. More gets done. You organize your life. Start tasks and continuously build values -- seeing your objectives to completion.
That means greater wealth much faster for you and your business and loved ones. Your problems disappear. Your life gets better.
After you choose to take “The New Genius Code” video training class, you will expose yourself to tools, strategies, with strong desire to apply it.
That’s what happened to me. Remember, after a lawsuit I quickly found myself in financial trouble. Panic set it. I needed better results, faster turnaround on my projects, less overwhelm, and it had to happen NOW!.
So I made a choice. I decided that “The New Genius Code” was the answer. By a stroke of good fortune, it worked! I went from stress, worry, frustration, anger, and depression to excited, organized and ambitious -- and know exactly how to CREATE MASSIVE WEALTH FAST!
And now I’m giving it to you.
“The New Genius Code” Is Perfect For You If You’re Looking For A Simple, 3-Step Strategy That You Can Learn To Turn Into A Habit For Yourself So You Can Take Back Control Of Your Life Again And Apply Your Newfound Power To Accomplish Anything You Desire -- Even If Currently, You Don’t Really Feel Like You Deserve It!
Of course you do find value in free bonuses, don’t you?
That’s why I’ve decided -- as a certified hypnotherapist, to include…
Free Bonus Mp3 For Responding Immediately!
It's called...
"Genius Code Automatization"
“Automatization” means “to make automatic. Automate.” So if you want to automatically apply this 3-step process, I’ve created a powerful and entertaining conversational hypnosis lecture in mp3 audio where you learn to automate this amazing 3-step strategy.
It’s sole purpose is to guide your subconscious mind to accept this new knowledge, integrate it, then apply it -- and turn it into habit!
That means there is no work required.
Listen To This FREE BONUS Mp3 Anywhere!
You can listen to it on your easy chair next to your fireplace, while hiking, walking, running, working out, and commuting. Just passively listen as your subconscious mind absorbs the strategy and puts it to work for you in your life and your business.
As you can see, things couldn’t possibly get any easier for you.
By now, I think you'll agree that this bonus mp3 strips away any concerns you may have about whether it can work for you or not. Your subconscious mind is powerful. It knows how to do a lot for you without any effort on your part whatsoever.
That means you can automatically learn to use your time to do the things you enjoy doing and get paid for doing it as you build a wealthy and massive personal universe. Other people will be amazed by your steadfast ability to accomplish success quickly and will want to know your secret.
You Get DOUBLE Your Money's Worth
With “The New Genius Code” -- How To Sharpen Your Focus, Think Like A Genius, And Get More Stuff Done plus the free Mp3 bonus “Genius Code Automatization” ...when combined together, unleash unbeatable success in everything you do.
Every wealthy and successful person knows that forming powerful new habits is the key to prosperity. You are already holding the key. You have this ability. All you need now is the knowledge and strategy. And with this free bonus, the strategy and motivation to apply it happens automatically!
Plus! Just by my way of saying thanks for giving it a try, you also get my…
100% Iron Clad Guarantee
Here’s how it works:
"You Either Love It, Or You Keep It, FREE"
If for any reason within your first 30 days you want your money back you can ask for it back and it will be returned to you. I can make such a guarantee because I know an overwhelming amount of rich and successful people who still use this 3-step strategy in their life and their business (including yours truly) and show you how to activate your genius brain so you can finally control your life with excitement, power, and enthusiasm.
There is absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain. You could spend thousands of dollars buying up all sorts of books and training classes but you can now get the good stuff all boiled down.
So don’t decide now, decide after you’ve gone through “The New Genius Code” -- How To Sharpen Your Focus, Think Like A Genius, And Get More Stuff Done
It’s Easy To Start Your Training Right Away!
Click Here to Get it Now
Try The New Genius Code Today Risk Free!
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To YOUR Success,
Nathan Blaszak, Cht.
P.S. Remember, with The New Genius Code” -- How To Sharpen Your Focus, Think Like A Genius, And Get More Stuff Done, The “Genius Code Automatization” and the 30-day love it or keep it free guarantee, you can’t lose. The burden to deliver rests on my shoulders. Try it and see. Just Click Here to access video training now.