Over 99% of what you have read,
or heard, about mind control on the internet is pure, unadulterated
misleading hogwash.

"BUT –
You Really Can Control People With 18 Forbidden Mind Control Secrets
You Never Knew!"
Without NLP'ing Anything
(You don’t
even have to have any mind control experience to begin – but –
you may want to use some “quick” influencing techniques
with them).
By, Nathan
Blaszak Cht.
To Audio Book Version
I know … I know …
everybody tells you that you can secretly control people using NLP and
conversational hypnosis.
You’ve probably gone
through more than one book, ebook, audio course, video course or report
about Conversational Hypnosis … haven’t you?
They all say about the same
thing … don’t’ they?
Granted, each of them takes
a different approach … some of them even have unique ideas …
but, all in all, they pretty much offer the same methods, tactics, techniques
and strategies … nothing really knew. – But …
I’ve only been using
these 18 different Mind Control Secrets for less than 9 months and “forgot
to use” just about every single conversational hypnosis and NLP
method of the old days because these techniques basically wrap people
right around your finger…
Absolutely No Reason Why You Can’t Do The Same!
Until about
4 months before I started writing this, I only used MY “how to
hypnotize secretly” techniques in my business, with kids, wife,
friends and family to influence, persuade, and to help them.
I thought, because I’ve
mastered covert hypnosis, NLP, psychological devices and hypnosis, there
wasn’t anything more that I could learn about it – BUT –
there was. – As I have discovered, many, many years ago (but forgot,
again) … there is a LOT we don’t know about the mind and
influencing people. – SO …
I started seeking if there
was a simple way to get people to become addicted to you and what you
offer that could be found worthy of the “quick, easy, and effective”
strategies … “real” good stuff, not the majority of
Guess what? – Within
3 months, I could quickly “spot” the type of person who
I encountered was, use a few subtle tactics, and they would come back
to me again and again for repeat business, companionship, my friends
contacted me again and again wanting to hang out, I eliminated time
wasting friends (and I even “accidentally” had women flirting
outrageously with me at local pubs, grocery stores, behind counters
as clerks at banks, etc. -- even though they knew I was married).
Then, I started to share
these same secrets with my closest friends and family members and they
were reporting the same – and most of them have never even heard
of NLP before.
Absolutely No Reason Why You Can’t Do The Same!
And … It Doesn’t Matter If You Are New Or A Pro At Influencing,
You Can Increase Your Power To Influence IMMEDIATELY.
Over the past
10 years … just as you probably have … I’ve downloaded
just about every FREE report, eBook, manual and course I could find
about mind control, persuasion, covert hypnosis, conversational hypnosis,
NLP – plus – I’ve bought upwards of $15,000 of the
same stuff … ranging in price from $9.97 to $2,997. (It’s
beyond me, but for some strange reason businesses find some kind of
numerological magic in ending the price with ’97.’)
Anyway, even with all that
information in hand … I still had to figure out how to put it
together for myself!
of them were right … ALL of them were wrong.
In all too many
cases, the writers of those books, ebooks, booklets, reports and articles
tell you "what to do" or "what they have done" but
fail miserably in trying to tell you "how to do it."
Don't ALL the books, booklets,
reports, courses, manuals, programs and seminars about NLP and conversational
hypnosis say just about the same thing ... whether you have to pay for
them, or you get them Free.
SO ... You try a little of
this ... a little of that. -- Some of it works a little bit. But, none
of it seems to work a lot.
Hey, don't feel like the
Lone Stranger. -- I did the same thing, too ... until I put it all together.
I had to figure out how to
put it all together for myself - but - you won't have to!
I'm going to teach you "how" to Put It All Together for Yourself
and ...
Popular and Powerful With The 18 Forbidden Mind Control Secrets!
Over the years,
I have written well over 250 books, booklets, reports, articles, manuals
and courses about mind control and influence – but – unlike
my contemporaries, I have only written about things that I have actually
For the past couple of years,
whenever someone asked me when I was going to release something advanced
about mind control, my answer has been …
I have done it SUCCESSFULLY.”
I’ve done it, and so can you.
This is your
opportunity to learn “how to” do what I have done to become
a highly popular and profitable businessman and lover. – I tell
all in my new course …
You Really Can … Bump Up To The Expert Level Of Mind Control!”
You Really Can … Bump Up To The Expert Level Of Mind Control!”
isn’t just a chronicle of what I’ve done. It doesn’t
just tell you “what” you should do … it explains in
detail “HOW” to do it.
All of the books, reports,
and articles about conversational hypnosis and NLP had “secrets”
to tell me – but …
As a wise business man named
Jim Straw once said his father had told him "There really
aren't any secrets in this old world. Only things you don't happen to
know right now" but over the last 50 years of being in
business he added …
after you learn what you didn't know, it still remains a SECRET until
you actually do it successfully."
Now that I have
done it “successfully” … in my marriage, with clients,
strangers, business partners and associates … I really know “how”
it is done.
Over the last 15 years, I
have (really) sold millions of dollars worth of products and services
… dated over 1,400 women … helped thousands of clients in
their personal and professional lives … have “in demand
services” ranging from $997-$2,500 just for an hour of my time.
Actually, I thought I knew
everything about “mind control” until I got started on the
internet – but – as John Wooden said …
what you learn after you know everything that counts.”
What I have
learned … after I thought I knew everything … was that I
did know “Everything I needed to know” I just hadn’t
adopted it and adapted it to my personal and business situations. –
You probably do too.
Even though I have made fortunes
using NLP and conversational hypnosis over the last 15 years and have
had outrageous success in my personal life building relationships, I
have told hundreds (maybe even thousands) of people who desire this
personal power wanting to gain control of their life that…
“If I didn’t
have the NLP, Hypnosis, and Persuasion and Influence Techniques Over
the Last 15 Years … If I Had To Do It All Over Again … I
Would Never Waste Time With NLP or Conversational Hypnosis. –
I Would Simply Start By Using These 18 Mind Control Devices And Eliminate
The Hassles Of Memorizing Language Patterns, Terminology and Lingo,
Rapport Building, And Other Methods That Eat Away Your Time.”
In other words, I would only
start by learning the simple formula of FOWM + AT = Mind Control. (My
life would have been a lot simpler.)
NOTE: Here
is a quote that says it in another way:
“As you simplify
your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler; solitude will not
be solitude, poverty will not be poverty, nor weakness weakness.”
~Henry David Thoreau
IF .. over the past 15 years
… I had ONLY used these 18 mind control devices, I would have;
without a doubt, gained the same results – BUT – because
my time in learning would have been greatly reduced, I would have made
a lot more money and lot more friends and lovers.
what you should do, if you really want to increase your power to influence
and persuade people.
Learning the
simple 18 mind control devices you never knew is far better than mastering
thousands of details about conversational hypnosis!
As a Mind Control Expert,
You Will Have…
NO complicated lingo
… Very LOW effort to master them … -- NO time wasting …
-- NO trial and error … -- NO numbers games … -- NO memorizing
language patterns … -- NO rejection … -- NO, or at least
very limited, risk.
But first, you need to know
is a mind control device?
A “Mind
Control Device”, is basically a strategic verbal or no-verbal
method you apply to a specific personality type … OR a tactic
that entices a person to feel as if you’re “the source”
of something they cannot or are not currently getting. – You DO
NOT “hypnotize” them, you only subtly suggest you have something
they want, and they become almost addicted to you because of it. There
are 18 different ways to do this and what you use varies from person
to person. They are easy to master and to remember.
You DO NOT have to know the
person before using it … the person only has to be introduced
to you and have a few lines of conversation with you. All you need to
do is ask the right questions and determine their general personality,
so you will have the knowledge to act so that they find you irresistible.
an Expert of “Mind Control” you are NOT a hypnotist.
You only introduce people to the idea that you can give them what they
are missing.
One of the biggest
… if not THE biggest … mistakes made by beginning mind control
experts is that of trying to “sell” directly to a person
that they have what they are missing or really want from life.
It is NOT a job as an expert
mind control artist to directly sell any idea … The job is to
introduce indirectly (and Ill show you how it’s done) ideas that
you are the “source” for what they really want and need.
As I told you, over the past
five years I’ve read and studied over $15,000 worth of “how
to” information about mind control and covert/conversational hypnosis
– plus – hundreds (if not thousands) of FREE reports on
the subject.
of them were right … ALL of them were wrong.
They all seem
to focus on gaining rapport … finding the right sentence structures
… psychologically triggering people … anchoring …
using metaphors .. etc., etc., etc., technical nausea. – BUT,
they seem to forget to tell you …
Control is Easy!
You don’t
even need to know “conversational hypnosis” … it will
just take you longer to master something so simple.
If I had known back in 1996,
what I know now, I wouldn’t have learned as much as I did about
all that NLP lingo … with all its headaches.
Instead of spending all that
time learning, memorizing, and applying through trial and error, I would
have used these 18 very simple mind control devices by quickly profiling
who I was talking to … maybe even rely solely on these devices
alone. (I’ll tell you how it can be done after you review the
Using just these 18 devices,
I would spend less than 5% profiling … 20% of my time
listening … 5% of my time using a device … 5% of my time
waiting for them to respond to the device … and 65% of my time
enjoying the benefits of it.
Why? Because …
one and only thing you MUST have to succeed when influencing people
is to determine their personality.
So, before you
even use any of these devices, you MUST develop the skill to
determine who exactly you’re using it on. – If
you don’t do that, you’re doomed to failure before you even
In “How You
Really Can … Bump Up To The Expert Level Of Mind Control!”
I teach you…
How I Profile People’s
Step by step … point
by point … exactly how you can do it. – Because…
success in Persuasion and Influence … as in Mind Control Artist
… is in your “profiling” – NOT in your techniques.
Ability To Profile is the ONLY Asset You Need To Succeed In Controlling
why over 50% of “How You Really Can … Bump Up To
The Expert Level Of Mind Control!” is dedicated to sharing
with you …
How To Profile People’s
I explain in detail the Facts
of Life about Profiling a Personality! – What they want …
what they’re afraid of … what they need … who to avoid
… who is easy … who is more difficult … how to select
the proper person to work with … what they secretly hope you can
do for them … what will make them addicted to you … how
to find out in under 5 minutes their personality … how to quickly
“remember” these personalities – PLUS – exceptionally
effective (profitable) methods I have used to profile people.
You will also find out …