about this World Famous Salesman, #1 Best Persuasion Maker, and highly sought after Advisor as he reveals to you how you can learn hypnosis that earned him a reputation as an International hypnosis rebel… He says: “Hypnosis Can Turn Any “Normal” Communicator Into a Supercharged Influencing Machine with Dozens of Cutting Edge Secret Weapons…”
You’re confident. You’re talking with someone thinking about what to say next, and the person is staring at you. You feel the pressure. To the startled eyes of your friends you told earlier, you grin casually, say a few words, and presto — the person you’re talking with does whatever you command. A dream? Absolutely not.
Suppose this response was typical of every conversation you have from here on?
First, let me probe a little. Then, you’ll see how you can clearly and confidently stand above everyone else socially. Marvel this letter carefully. Do your analysis, and then move into action, and consider my letter your path to superior influence.
Because when you posses such phenomenal power, you can easily, and predictably control others, secretly. This isn’t a dream!
However, I don’t just expect you to “believe me” until you’ve seen more proof.
It’s all how you say things… how you use language patterns — how you use words that hypnotize people while it sounds like innocent everyday conversation.
In short, it’s about how you can side-step the English language and practically make anyone unconsciously obey your commands!
Look, that’s what covert hypnosis, for the most part, is all about! By-passing the critical thinking, and psychologically commanding people to act the way you want them to!
And that’s just the start!
It’s simple: suppose you could say “special” phrases to make what you’re saying seem like an innocent conversation and get your prospect to do as you please – without them even knowing you’re doing it!?
Imagine this… You’re having a conversation with someone. You say a simple phrase to put them in a trance then simply slip any command you want for them to act on – (and they will) and they don’t have a clue what just happened or what you just did to them!
Who wouldn’t jump at this?
Just think about it: you’re in control with every word that rolls off your tongue and loving every minute of it! You’re plucking influence from all over the place that’s working for you constantly.
Because you know EXACTLY how it’s done to create hypnotic language and it feels great!
Socially, you’re in complete control because you know how to treat, talk to, and interact with others in ways that make them feel like royalty. This only makes them want to create stronger friendships with you. You’ve got them eating out of the palm of your hand and you’re loving every minute of it!
Plus, you’re having the time of your life with as many success stories as you want!
Surprisingly enough, if a situation doesn’t measure up to your standards, you move on to another technique immediately because you have an UNLIMITED supply of creative opportunities of persuasion to choose from.
Sound too good to be true?
Well, let me tell you:
If a once lonely anti-social guy like me can do this, so can you
And this is just the tip of the iceberg!
See, persuasion and influence isn’t as tough as you might think and it’s just waiting for you to discover a technique to approach and control situations while standing out from the crowd. Somebody who’s ready to handle this awesome power! Trust me, hey, your dream of making more sales, controlling, influencing, persuading others and even seducing them if you want is right around the corner, if you’ll follow my lead.
Sound like a winner?
Before we go any further, go ahead and sign up for a free mini-eBook called “Buyer Sequence Activation” It’s loaded with a powerful psychological sequence that gets people into the frame of mind to buy.
Discover the little-known secrets to using this sequence successfully and how to avoid the critical mistakes that spell failure for any beginner hypnotist-and lots more! There’s no obligation. It’s a free gift only for a limited time…
Get your free edition of Buyer Sequence Activation delivered instantly to your e-mail
Because these simple, yet highly effective covert persuasion devices have worked for me thousands of times and they will work for you too.
You may or may not know me, but my name is Nathan Blaszak. I have been described by my fellow hypnotists, salesman, co-workers, associates, presidents of companies ranging from big to small, and my happy — satisfied students as an “expert” on persuasion and influence, but I’m still just an ordinary person.
Over the years, I’ve discovered and uncovered dozens steath ways that literally cause a person to “buzz out” — long enough for you to insert your hypnotic command. Methods that “push button” unconscious response to act without questioning and several other hypnotic persuasion and influence techniques. But it certainly wasn’t always that way for me…
I was a skinny, nerdy looking guy (at best) with very little social interaction and no way in the world could create friends alone. I would stutter when I talked, couldn’t avoid arguments, women wouldn’t give me the time of day, and everyone would “make fun” behind my back. It sucked. For years, I lived in seclusion and unhappiness because I could not find social success.
“…a complete washout with others”
But today, I have dozens of beautiful lovers and meet more and more each and every day. Hypnosis gave me the ability to break the sales record’s for 3 different companies I used to work for, sell hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of goods and services, and on my very first sales job — it helped me take over the entire sales office in less than a month.
I’m not saying this to brag, No. Simply put, I have discovered the secrets of creating “untouchable” social success, covert persuasion and influence, and I want to share these secrets with you right now!
Listen, it’s a no-brainer that It could take you years and can cost you a small fortune to figure out just the right combinations of language that work – while others fall flat on their face.
But instead of knocking yourself out trying to come up with just the right techniques, you can now have an entire collection of hard-hitting, profit-generating psychological devices for your business and personal pleasure, ready at your beck and call
— Announcing:
In just one e-book, you can follow simple (yet extremely hypnotic) secret covert hypnosis applications, use my unbeatable stealth psychological devices, and talk and write hypnotically to persuade anyone in every way you please.
At Last! Every Psychological Device You Need Is Here. Plus, I show you How To Easily Create Your Own Compelling Hypnotic Patterns…PLUS I’ll Be Showing You Every Killer Covert Hypnotic Technique I’ve Ever Discovered, Developed & Used Successfully!
And it’s all battle-tested and scientifically proven!
Which one are you?
“Nathan Blaszak is the only salesman on the planet who was able to get me to jump up and down, through the hypnotic power of words, and compel me to pull out my checkbook and shell out $2,398 in 13 minutes for a product. In fact, his talk is so powerful I’m helpless to say “no” to any of his offers. Many of the products I own today are a result of his recommendation alone.”
“After reading Nathan Blaszak’s e-book, I landed more accounts than anyone in my entire workplace could only wish to have. I’m now the top salesman in my company, I got a promotion, I make three times the money I was making and my boss thinks I’m the only one who’s worth working for his company — by the way, he thinks that because I hypnotized him to… just don’t tell him. I’m not kidding, if you don’t have a copy of this book, I highly recommend you grab your copy immediately.”
Hello Nathan,
As a qualified Hypnotherapist I felt that there was something “missing” in my work with clients because I was trying to hard for them to go into trance and after half an hour were they in trance or not?
Clients were satified with the way that I worked with them and they were being helped by me.
I bought your e-books and now I understand so much more.
My work has taken on a whole NEW meaning and I can say that because of yourself YOU have made me a better therapist.
I talk to people now in a different way and they respond in a better way.My confidence is sky high.
What you have given me is all of those things that they do not show you or tell you at College when you are doing your training.
I had previously read NLP books but YOUR e-books are written in such a manner that you remember what you have read and it is not forgotten the next day.
All I need to do now is get a better web page…….
Thank you
Dear Nathan,
Your course is too good to be true. I am stunned and amazed! Within a week of studying ”HOW TO HYPNOTIZE ANYONE”…May life took a positive turn and so many things were happening at once. I went on a job interview and the man who interviewed me said that he couldn’t believe how powerful and persuasive I was. He chose me after seeing 17 other applicants. To top it off…My boyfriend of a year told me for the first time that he loved me and knew I would make the “perfect wife.” Of course I told him that I knew all of the wonderful feelings and times we would share as he instantly beamed and agreed. I can’t thank you enough. I’ve tried so many other books and self-help courses. Yours is the first that makes sense and works.
Please let me know if you produce anything new as I would like to get that too. Now I am a devoted and loyal fan.
Thanks thanks and more thanks,
“I have spent thousands of dollars buying information on improving my persuasion and influence. Nowhere have I found anything remotely approaching what you’ve accomplished. To me, genius is a quality that takes the complex and makes it simple. In my books, Nathan, you’re a genius.”
“Nathan, I absolutely love these techniques, this package FAR exceeded my expectations. I was very reluctant first because I’ve seen some packages of hypnosis techniques and they were bad – some of them very bad. There are some books with applications that are horrible, a while ago I had an e-book (for hypnotists) and there was a selection of techniques- I wouldn’t dare to use any of those methods on anyone then, they sounded like canned trickery and one could spot it right away. Yours are excellent, brilliant, just as doctor ordered. Dynamic, smart, with a rhythm…! It is so easy to use, it is mind boggling – I like especially your “Story Technique’s”, they are fabulous.”
“How To Hypnotize Anyone Without Getting Caught belongs on the desktop of anyone who wants to make more sales and create more compliance without wasting more time just learning what doesn’t work.
“Nathan’s persuasion tips and techniques are like caffeine that’ll kick more life into your talk.
The 1st chapter on the 2,300 year old secret is worth 100 times the price you’ll pay for this hypnosis book. So use your mouse and click on the ‘Order Now’ button before your competitors, friends and neighbors beat you to the punch!
“I can’t begin to describe just how outstanding your Covert Hypnosis Mastery Course is, Nathan! Without question, it is by far the best resource anybody could ever hope to have to learn how to create world class communication that persuades. I’m no stranger to hypnosis because I’ve already spent THOUSANDS of dollars on various courses, e-books and manuals, along with over 2 years of my time studying the various aspects of covert hypnosis. Your Pattern Formula’s are absolutely incredible!”
Now, I don’t know how you would picture using all these skills I’ll be showing you in person or in writing. And I certainly couldn’t imagine all the power you’d feel when you’re walking around with the dozens of hypnotic devices you’ll be learning, dancing around in your head that cause you to have more success with others than you can shake a stick at!
But something inside me tells me you could!
In a nutshell, I know you’re probably skeptical and a bit on the conservative side, but think about this – if you keep doing the same things over and over again – you’ll only succeed in getting the same results. That’s why I want to let you try out my proven hypnosis system – completely and totally risk-free! (I’ll tell you about my unique guarantee in a moment.)
So you see, I’ve compiled everything on the subject of covert hypnosis you could possibly imagine. And as you think about improving your communication skills, think “Apply Hypnosis.” Obviously, if you’ve read this far, I’m going to assume that you want to know how these techniques work. And here’s where it becomes a no-brainer.
Well, realize that this e-book “How To Hypnotize Anyone Without Getting Caught” could easily sell for hundreds of dollars. In fact if you asked a top expert , like me, to talk at a seminar for you, you’d be charged in the neighborhood of $2,000 to $3,000, not including the private one-on-one counseling. (I currently charge a minimum of $1,647/hour for private lessons. So at bare bones minimum you’re getting thousands and thousands of dollars worth of material at your disposal).
But I’m not going to charge you anywhere near that amount or even my minimum project price. In fact, your total investment for “How To Hypnotize Anyone Without Getting Caught” is only $47.00 $7.00
So what’s the catch? Why am I practically giving this resource away?
Well, it’s really quite simple. I’ve seen what hypnosis can do to people. Mostly, it is not fair to be clueless about these potent tricks of the mind. They are used by politicians, religious leaders, gurus, the media, infomercials… I’ve seen very innocent people fall victim to covert hypnosis – especially females being manipulated by males, but don’t think it that doesn’t apply to you if you are a male, and that’s just the start!
Consider this fact:
Hypnosis is everywhere and don’t let anyone fool you. It does not require a string and watch or a highly suggestible person to be hypnotized.
But let’s suppose someone asked you “Would You want to learn how they are doing it so that you can at the very least protect yourself from being controlled?”
Most People will dive into this material and understand it completely by answering yes. By now, I think you’ll agree.
Of course, when you order you’re also getting…
Reveals how to set up your session, think of a specific past situation, turn towards the future, and hot-wire your brain to deliver more and more success each day and achieve your goals easily. There are only 4 simple steps to complete this exercise and only takes five minutes to do! Find out how I used this secret mind-power programming technique to boost my financial condition in ONE day! Plus, you'll discover how to increase your psychic power, mind power, and create a greased chute that floods your future with positive outcomes, situations and circumstances. I've seen similar techniques sell for as much as $70 - you're learning it free!
I debated for days whether or not to even include this e-book in my package. But I personally feel everyone should learn about this other incredible 2,000 year old secret that has been hidden from the general public. *Warning* I am not responsible for the use of this knowledge. It is provided for entertainment purposes only! (my lawyer made me put that there) Discover the secret of the human mind, how it has been manipulated and even learn exactly who controls politicians, corporations, hollywood, the media and how you can play with the "Money Elite" and earn rediculous amounts of money just like they do- I've heard of this one secret alone being sold for as much as $50,000 to fortune 500 companies! - I've seen this secret sold for as much as $1,500 but you get it free! I can guarantee this bonus will not be offered for long.
You'll be glued to the screen everytime an article of this eZine finds its way to your email inbox. It's loaded with my private applications, language patterns, and methods that you can shamelessly model and mimmick in specific situations I dare say you won't find anywhere else. Plus, you'll be first in line for access to what won't be made available to the general public without a price tag. This one bonus alone very well could be responsible for you taking everything inside "How To Hypnotize Others Without Getting Caught" and quadrupling your persuasion power. This eZine will only be available free to the first 500 people to order. After that, I'll be forced to take it off as a free bonus. This eZine is valued at over $200 - please don't be upset if you come back here only to realize you're too late. Together these 3 free bonuses are worth more than 15 times your investment in my (16 honest-to-goodness no-bull chapters)e-book "How To Hypnotize Anyone Without Getting Caught" -- but they're all yours absolutely free when you order
Your success in using “How To Hypnotize Anyone Without Getting Caught” is completely guaranteed. In fact, here’s my 100% Better-Than-Risk-Free-Take-it-To-The-Bank Guarantee:
That means you can take 30 days to try out these proven methods, and you see if the techniques work for you or not. And if they don’t produce, I honestly want you to ask for your money back. And I’ll let you keep the e-book and free bonus gifts as my way of thanking you for giving my e-book a try.
In fact, there is absolutely no risk, whatsoever on your part. The burden to deliver is entirely on me. If you don’t produce immediate advantages using these instant persuasion techniques then I’m the loser, not you.
See, no matter what, you come out ahead. You get to test these simple, yet powerful secrets for attracting, meeting, and enjoying persuading and influencing others that have successfully worked for me and thousands of my students with everything to gain and nothing to lose.
You Can Expect Immediate Results
Remember: After you finish reading the Covert Mastery Course, you can immediately implement the proven hypnotic model you’ve learned, and start converting the maximum number of prospects into lovers, prospects into customers, and consequently, sales.
And when you decide that you want to own the Covert Hypnosis Course of my proven techniques never been shared before, please don’t delay. As I mentioned earlier, only a limited number of bonuses will be distributed to the public. Please don’t confuse my Covert Hypnosis Mastery Course with other hypnosis courses.
This is a leading-edge course not available anywhere else that enables you to have your own undetectable hypnotic communicating skills or write a compelling written word for your own reader’s pleasure and satisfaction. And my course lets you do it in the shortest possible time.
What’s the worst that can happen?
You get to try everything out with me bearing 100% of the burden on the absolutely risk-free honor system. Let me prove to you how well this works. Put me to the ultimate test and use these secrets by clicking here right now knowing full well that if you’re not happy for any reason you can always get your money back. Look at it this way — you’ll spend more than $7 on misleading, outdated, recycled books, long lectures, videos and information this year.
That’s why…
You Really Can’t Afford not to Invest In this e-book
P.S. Please remember, 30 day trial is exactly that — totally risk-free to you. In fact, the only way you could incur any risk at all is by not accepting this invitation, and thus depriving yourself of the greatest persuasive success advantage that you might ever have the opportunity to discover.
P.P.S. You can start using covert hypnosis today, or you can allow others to continue to use it against you. The choice is yours.