Complete Persuasion System Can Turn Any "Normal" Communicator Into a Supercharged Influencing Machine with Dozens of Cutting Edge Covert Hypnosis Secret Weapons...

"Do You Want an Even Better Way To Create Fascinating Covert Hypnotic Language And Unconscious Communicating Gestures That Compel Others To Obey YOU?"

You Get Plug-In Hypnotic Phrases, Easy to Use Formula, Hypnotic Language Scripts, Embedded Command Delivery, Body Language Methods, A Dynamite Selling & Seduction Presentation Covert Hypnosis Persuasion System, And So Much More in an Easy to Use Hypnosis Package ANY Salesman, Parent, Teacher, Public Speaker or Seducer Can Easily Apply!

Remember English class way back when? Okay Good. Now, as you think about that I want you to throw everything you learned in the trash and get it out of your mind right now.

You're about to get absolutely disgusted like I did on how you're being "conditioned" by the public schools, televison, the radio - how you and your family are being controlled and held hostage from knowing the difference between conscious and unconscious communication.

Look, if you want others to continue to talk behind your back and have nasty things to say as they spread rumors about you - your wife, your husband, your prospects, your kids and girlfriends or boyfriends - OR have others manipulate and control you on a subliminal level keeping you stuck sad, and unhappy, right where you might be now- without even knowing why, be my guest...

I've already put a stop to all that frustration and that nagging worry that was in the back of my mind a long time ago and you should do the same. Read every word of this letter. Trust me, you'll want to because it concerns you and your relationships and that's a big part of your life.

Now listen, I've had it up to my nose and I'm completely fed up with all these scrupulous, power hungry individuals who manipulate the ordinary hard-working middle class person and putting an end to it right now!

Because you're not only going to learn how to persuade and influence others, but you're going to break free from all who hurt you and turn it around to your advantage. I'm going to help you every step of the way.

And I'll Prove To You That It work's, Absolutely Risk - Free!

You'll learn more later on as you continue to read this letter, but simply put - Your Entire Purchase of the Apply Hypnosis Package is digitally delivered, that means you try it out risk-free for 60 days and if you don't find it to bring you more sales and TEN TIMES more persuasion power, you get to keep it FREE even if you ask for you money back.

But I Don't think you'll want to because...

"Power, Influence, And Persuasion Over Others Comes EASILY and Naturally as You Uncover One-by-One the Indespensable Secrets of Unconscious Communication"

You get everything you want and everything you're looking for!

More Lovers, More Money, More Power... as you build yourself a great reputation because you've learned this powerful new way to communicate.

We're not talking the old horse and buggy days here friend, we're talking about YOU getting others to do what You want, and breaking free from all who controls and manipulates you by using this right now, today!

By Nathan Blaszak

If you�re wondering why your sales record is low, or why potential romantic partners shy away from dating or going out with you, why your kids don't listen, OR why your spouse is mad at you and everything else that comes to mind as you think about every social situation that you have no power in � maybe your communication has no backbone.

What do I mean by backbone? Quite honestly � the backbone of any serious, appealing communicator is wrapped-up in a single critical skill: Hypnosis.

Why? Simply because�

  • Without Stimulating Hypnosis your sales presentation, influence and seduction attempts won�t drive the sales and love you need to be happy.
  • Without Stimulating Hypnosis your communication doesn�t have a chance at selling, persuading or seducing the few opportunities that DO come!
  • And without Stimulating Hypnosis the serious persuasion �players� that you could do deals with, hang out with, or get to like you just flat-out avoid you!

You�re Shooting Yourself In The Foot If
You Don�t Take The Importance Of
Unconscious Communication Seriously!

If your communication sucks, your selling won�t bring sales�potential romance partners won�t date you� your boss won't like you... your kids won't listen to you... and you�ll always be spending 10 times the time and effort to get minimal results.

Listen, I talk to salesman, parents, teachers, public speakers, and "Don Juan's" almost every day of the week � and for the most part�

The Number of People That Buy From You, Go Out With You, Listen to What You Say, And Everything Else You're Tired of NOT Getting Compared to the Number of People That You Try To Seduce, Sell, Persuade & Influence Absolutely Stinks!

On top of that � they�re frustrated with the number of Persuasion Presentations they�re trying to come-up with!�AND they�re just not getting the results they need from their influencing and persuading campaigns!

You must be tired of the dismal results you�re getting!

Let me help � if you want to communicate the kind of message that makes mere prospects or potential lovers get stir-crazy for what you�re presenting � you must read every word of this letter now�

Whether You�re Selling Rusty Spoons, or Million Dollar Homes, Capturing Lovers For Your Pleasure, Raising Children, Or Creating Full-On Presentations That Influence -- The Very Most Important Thing For Any Serious Persuader Are The Words & Gestures You Use!

Unconscious Communication !

Let me be frank�

You can have all the sales and lover's you want, cooperative children, students, the most-desirable and most-problem-solving product you can create, and you still won�t make near the money, the influence or the seduction you could be making and having IF you had the very best hypnotic unconscious communicating ability!

THAT is how important hypnosis really is.

Does that sound like your situation�you�re not making near the sales, your kids aren't listening to you, or landing the amount of lovers you could be making and having? Listen � I�ll put it to you straight � right from the hip�

Most Salesman, Teachers, Parents & Seducers Just Don�t Consider Unconscious Communication To Be That Important. In Fact, It�s The Last Thing That Crosses Most "Casanova's" Teachers, Parents and Salesman's Minds!

But Hypnosis Is The �Key Skill� You Need To Make
Sure You Succeed Consistently When You're Persuading!

Hypnosis is the very most important skill � it�s a skill you�ll use again and again, no matter what you�re selling, and no matter who you�re persuading and seducing!

I hear people whining about how few people end-up buying from them, listening or going out with them all the time � well, guess what? Your sales, persuasion, influence and seductions are low for a couple of reasons:

1. Your communication (Gestures, language, etc) isn�t creating the right emotions!

2. Your communicating to others just isn�t as good as it should be!

That�s it!

Those are the two biggest reasons you�re not getting a lot of customers to buy from you, your kids to listen to you and potential lovers to date you!

There are many clients I work with who persuade less than � of 1-percent of all the prospects that come their way!� and that�s selling a low-priced product, or seducing ugly people!

Now please understand�that small of a response is okay if you�re selling a two or three thousand-dollar profit margin � but if you�re selling a $50 product you�ll be hard pressed to make any money! It's okay if you're seducing "knock out" lovers, the catch of the lifetime - but if you're not getting that you'll be hard pressed to experience the thrill of a lifetime!

Your sales rate for all products under a hundred dollars should be two to seven-percent in writing, and 30-60% face to face! So if you�re not in that range � you can feel pretty certain that your persuasion is just not strong enough!

Your turnover rate to seducing the opposite sex should be one out of every three you meet! So if you're not in that range - you can feel pretty certain that your persuasion is just not strong enough!

I said it before � I�ll say it again!�the problem is in the communication and in the the language you use! It�s all in the communication � the words and gestures that you use to motivate a prospect to take the action you want them to take!

This is a problem I�ve seen persuaders like you repeat time and time again. So what I�ve done is create a brand new product to help you get past this bump in your road to seductions and sales � it�s called:

�Apply Hypnosis in Today's Age System�
Discover the Incredible Insider�s Secrets to Hypnotic Unconscious Communication That Brings In Easy, Convenient Compliance And Superior Influence!

This manual set will teach you the exact method I use for creating my own sure fire persuasion and influence!

I sat down with hypnotists (professional hypnotists with university skills that cost big dollars to know what they do) and they basically interrogated me until they found out every one of my secrets for creating unconscious communication that seems like ordinary - every day language.

Throughout the questioning, we look at several examples of successful hypnotic words that I�ve used. (You get all these words as a FREE bonus!)

Over 50 of the "phrases" you�ll see actually force people to think what you want them to on an unconscious level. That means for every sentence I spoke (a very subliminal, hypnotic presentation) I created an incredible undetectable unconscious action to all who listened to what I said! And the only reason it happened was because I had killer language construction at every step in my persuasion process!

You�ll learn exactly WHY these phrases work so well. And you�ll learn why all the examples I give you are undetectable!

These manuals are jam-packed with rock-solid advice that will get all your influencing promotions generating the response you really want.

You�ll tap into my experience and learn every trick, tool and technique I use to create win-win sales and seductions on a consistent basis. No stone will be left unturned!

In fact, I absolutely guarantee that �Apply Hypnosis in Today's Age� will make a positive bottom-line impact on all your persuading efforts right from the get-go�

You Get a No-Risk, 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee

Try �Apply Hypnosis in Today's Age� for the next 60 Days. If after you put my proven Hypnotic techniques to the test and try them for 60 days, you find that it hasn�t brought you in at least TEN TIMES WHAT YOU PAID FOR IT simply return it for a complete, no-hassle refund.

And the FREE bonuses (worth $676) are yours to keep even if you do get your money back!

That�s a rock-solid guarantee you can count on.

And it just shows you how confident I am that I really can help you!

But you really don�t need to take my word for it � listen to what others have to say about my �Apply Hypnosis� help and advice:

"If you want to learn hypnosis in record speed - but don't want to struggle with finding the right words or formula's, get Nathan's Apply Hypnosis kit. Instead of having to sort out what works, you'll be met with practical applications galore. I've already started using the "Sneak Phrases" And guess what?... 6 people I used them on obeyed my commands. I've always been hit-and-miss in this department - (not knowing what or how to speak) - so I'm very pleased with the results. This kit is a godsend for anyone studying covert hypnosis like me!" -Monica Patterson, WA

"I have spent thousands of dollars buying information on improving my persuasion and influence. Nowhere have I found anything remotely approaching what you've accomplished. To me, genius is a quality that takes the complex and makes it simple. In my books, Nathan, you're a genius." - Howard Sax, IL

"Shh...Nathan,I can't believe you're revealing these ultra-effective secrets in your ebooks! I'm a junkie for such stuff and have read quite a few books and guides on hypnosis and self-improvement, many titles you'd instantly recognize in fact, "Apply Hypnosis..." turned my mind inside out and upside down! I couldn't sleep a wink the night I read it, thinking and trying to remember every juicy secret that's so easy to apply! Nathan, you've broken the barrier to success with hypnosis here. Anyone who can talk and think will experience good results from your lessons... irregardless of what they want to use it for ;-) Thanks for making a difficult subject child's play! Your grateful friend"... Ewen Chia

"I luv it when someone who has actually done something writes about how they have done it... telling you how you can do it, too. Nathan Blaszak has done it. Apply Hypnosis tells you how he did it and how you can do it. If creating and improving your communication with others is one of your goals for the next millennium, this apply hypnosis primer is one system you need to add to your library." James Frank, Cleveland, Tennessee

"It is so refreshing after many years of disappointments to finally come across an honest and honorable individual in the hypnosis industry. You not only offer exactly what you say you offer, but you should be selling your materials for ten times what you ask!" Alex Trinton, Columbus, Georgia

"I believe this book "Apply Hypnosis in Today's Age" is the best I have ever read. I just could not put it down until I finished it. It is a best to learn unconscious communication." - Allen Wilson, Albuquerque, NM

"Read your eBook Apply Hypnosis in one sitting... This book is a must for anyone involved in persuasion." - George Stevenson, Glen Allen, VA

"Author Nathan Blaszak cuts right to the chase in his hard-hitting business book. Nathan Blaszak will give you an unbeatable persuasion edge, regardless of your lifestyle." - John Spencer - El Paso, Texas ... more rave reviews

You�re going to love �Apply Hypnosis in Today's Age�. And the way these hypnotists interviewed me just seems to bring out the very best information I�ve got in my heart (and my bank account AND bed, I might add!).

These professionals and I spend a lot of time on the first couple of hours talking about how you can understand the psychology of people by using precise language to get answers to the key questions you need to ask to create "unconscious" language that will sell them:

  • How to know what they�re thinking.
  • How to know what they�re hiding from you.
  • How to know exactly what to say to lead their unconscious thoughts.

Knowing this information is invaluable � and once you learn how to leverage this knowledge (in the form of powerful unconscious language that works) you�ll be an unstoppable hypnotic language creator! I�ll show you how to get the answers to all these questions without going into a bunch of psycho-babble!

You�ll love the way you can structure your language to get anyone to do what YOU want� they aren't going to know you're using hypnosis. No way. You'll dive deep below the surface of their conscious awareness to make sure you get rock-solid unconscious persuasion results to every single thing you throw at them with your body and voice.

I really tell it all � just take a look at what you�ll get from �Apply Hypnosis in Today's Age:�

How to quickly and easily come-up with dozens of hypnotic language patterns, subliminal messages, and unconscious communicating strategies without breaking a sweat! (This language construction secret works like crazy!)
How to go from �the guy who used to sell small,� to the guy who is now banking and making unbelievable amounts cash�all through the power of persuasive language � and a little common sense.
The �Myths About hypnosis and the Scalding Truth About All Hypnotic Techniques � � this section of the program will blow away any ill-conceived notions you�ve gotten from other, so-called gurus who have led you astray!
At last�the truth about body language � how should it be used, and is it a complete waste of your time?
Is it appropriate to use aggressive persuasion strategies � or is a soft approach always better?� find out the real scoop on this highly debated topic!
The little-understood secret of non - verbal unconscious communication � and how it could be killing your influencing abilities!
The only effective method's of unconscious persuasion!� and what to change if your persuasion isn�t meeting these important requirements!
Why having good looks and the best product to sell isn�t always the answer to your prayers (and what to do to make sure it IS once your communicating!)
There are only three steps to set-up a powerful unconscious message � know what this formula is and you�ll profit like mad with your potential lovers and prospects!
How pushy, conscious persuasion can actually drop your positive response in half! (Hey � it happened to me!)
Why people will follow and practically "puppet like" you can make them do whatever you want when you�ve got the right phrases and the right gestures� and get this:

They�ll Gladly Give You Much More Cooperation Than the Typical
�Persuasion Methods� You�ve Heard About!

What does "body language" have to do with Hypnosis?�discover this secret and get yourself send "like me" signals instead of you sending "don't like me signals"!
Finally�a scientifically proven, researched answer to the question:

�Are others using covert hypnosis on me and having
me �conditioned and brainwashed��or is mass media just a myth?�

The Answer Just May Surprise You!

Can hypnosis be used as �salesmanship in print� or does it only work in person. After all, the written word is a whole different medium, right?

Think you�ve got the appearance and killer strategy to match that will make everyone in the world want to do what you say?�think again � you�re making one of the biggest mistakes on the planet!
How to out speak, outsell, outpace and outperform EVERY competitor in your field in a vicious � but �soft� way!

Understanding How This Is Done Will Separate You
Head and Shoulders Above Any "Don Juan"
And Business Competition You�ll Ever Have!

Why understanding human nature gives you the ability to make a person switch over to defend the opposite view of the view they just had!
The 6 ways to "pre-condition" a person to obey you (And the fact that your observation skills will determine how fast you can motivate your prospect!)
Two complete models for creating hypnotic presentations that put you in the drivers seat of the unconscious mind of others � You must learn how to talk to the unconscious mind, IF YOU WANT RESULTS!
The best way to tap into the unconscious mind of others and virtually �ABC command� for your own, hypnotic language!
The single most important exorcise you must do before you go out and try to speak even one word of your embedded command message!
How to successfully identify and break yours and others limiting barriers so you can have more option and choice to lead your way to success in life!
Why what you �think� people want or care about doesn�t matter one iota! (And even if you�re bright enough to be a persuader � you�ll never be able to guess at what people really want. Here�s how to find out without a lot of headache!)
The �right-out-in-the-open� secret to creating repeated states and emotions with a simple touch once you�ve gotten a person to comply that works!
Is "Intense listening" a Waste? Don�t waste your time getting caught-up in not saying anything!� UNLESS� you know my simple, yet elegant strategy for doing it right!
The little understood strategy of �face to face selling"� and why it may be costing you a fortune! (Make this mistake and you�ll soon be out of business, a job � guaranteed!)
How to precisely time your language so that your unconscious commands can't be stopped � and the 6 ways to increase your natural suggestibility power!
Why everyone is dead wrong about hypnosis and how I use it to my advantage with everyone I communicate with everyday! (�and how you can use the same principle to put your prospects in heat to comply with what you say!)

I Actually Tried My Hardest To Get Someone To Call Me On The Fact That I Was Using Hypnosis Because I Couldn�t Believe They Weren't Catching On To Me Using It On Them!

How to create "transparent" motivation�it�s unconscious motivation that drives people to want something!
Why persuasion is not telling�and�what it really is!
Why my desk is completely surrounded by 17 books crammed full of �how to hypnotize� stuff � and not one of them has anything to do with covert strategies, body language, or subliminal persuasion! (You�re starting to see how critical Apply Hypnosis is to your success� right?)
The key question you must ask yourself every time before you begin to speak a single word to someone � answering this question will mean the difference between your life or death on getting what you want.
The secret technique that�ll give you a total edge over any competition � and make the difference in your on-going success in sales and seduction!
The real secret to why I speak to the unconscious mind of others (and NO�it has little to do with getting sex or the sale� it has totally to do with my amazement that it works!)
Why I LOVE knowing how others process information � and how this amazing advantage gets me more power over others than you can shake a stick at!
You�re sadly mistaken if you think you should be talking about your product or service or YOU�it�s just about the biggest selling and seduction mistake you can make!
How the unconscious is different from the conscious � and why you�d better know the difference! (Making this mistake again and you�re sure to lose power!�but understanding the differences and then USING them will give you a massive windfall in results!)
Discover the non-verbal signals women make in social settings. How to know exactly when a woman is inviting you, courting you, or telling you to get lost, all with her body alone� and how to apply this "signaling" to your overall seduction strategy!
Learn the key differences between where to stand, how to sit, what to wear, and when you should touch someone and how to go about touching them, if jewelry is needed and what shouldn't be worn � these differences will mean all the difference between negative unconscious body language signaling and a gusher of positive signals flooding out from your body!

This is really just the tip of the iceberg of all the information you�re going to profit from as you go through this program over and over again. Not to mention, all the benefits you'll be getting from "How To Hypnotize Anyone Without Getting Caught"

You�ll also be privy to my exact, step-by-step system for embedded commanding language that works. This is the very step-by-step approach I use when I sit down to crank out some killer hypnotic language patterns! You get it all�from the very beginning processes of researching the unconscious mind set, through to the end where you�ll see how to use simple sentences to get anyone to comply!

Each step will be covered in complete detail throughout the manuals � there�ll be no stone left unturned� and you�ll end-up with all the tools and information you need to create unconscious communication that works like crazy on people!

The �Apply Hypnosis in Today's Age System� package is chock-full of cutting edge, unconscious-specific persuasion strategies and breakthroughs.

�Apply Hypnosis in Today's Age System� is Like Nothing You�ve
Ever Seen Before on Creating Unconscious-Specific Communication That
Brings In the Power and Influence You Want!�

Quite honestly, when it comes to creating unconscious communication, �Apply Hypnosis in Today's Age System� is completely different than anything you�ve ever seen, read, or heard before � and what�s more, I�m absolutely convinced that anybody can start creating hypnotic persuasion once they understand what this package teaches.

Apply Hypnosis in Today's Age System� is your complete guide to creating undetectable hypnosis that generates juicy influence and new power for your sales or seductions. It�s all laid out for you in precise detail.

Here�s what you get with your own �Apply Hypnosis in Today's Age� package:

You get 3 eBooks jam-packed with everything you need to know to create powerful verbal hypnosis, non-verbal hypnosis, and persuasion power that get results! Delivered by Internet Instantly of your placing an order!
Instant Download: You get all the tools and precise scientific methods to communicate to people's unconscious mind you've just learned about in - How To Hypnotize Anyone Without Getting Caught! (Value $139)

Instant Download: You get all language pattern samples discussed during the closed door discussion! That way you can study the phrases and sentences as you go through the manual�all the while your creating your own language patterns and hypnotic presentations. PLUS�you�ll get another set of my private killer language patterns that you can add to your �pattern� file! (Value $139)

When you want, you can use them on the phone...

When you want, you can use them in person...

When you want, you can use them in writing...

And Get Anyone to Think, Imagine, Picture And Act Out Any Command You Want Them To!

It Can Be Easy Or It Can Be Hard..

Here's and example (I've highligted the embedded command):

I'm curious to know what what you find challenging in your work. Because, there's some things about your line of work that you might find as a challenge, and then there's always the tasks that you can do in your sleep. With me, I have a mixture of challenges. So how would you answer this question: "What do you find challenging in your line of work?

Did you find that funny?

There is also another embedded command in the pattern above, and there's a few unconscious words used too...

Wouldn't you like to know what they are?

Of course you would!

So let me frank, and honest with you right now. You need to know the truth about crafting powerful hypnotic language patterns, and get rid of any promoters of products on the net that aren't telling you sqwat. Here's what I'm talking about:

You're going to surf across the Internet and people are going to tell you to forget memorizing lengthy language patterns when you can "create your own hypnosis" from thin air, and that's because -- they don't know these techniques .

And if you've never learned the hypnotic phrases and subconscious words you're missing the boat. How in the world are you ever going to create hypnotic patterns from thin air when you don't know what it consists of?

Isn't there something wrong with this picture?

Yes, you can create language patterns from thin air, but you have to have the right words, the formula, the hypnotic phrases, and the subconcious words in order to do that, don't you? And if you don't have these tools then, you'll never be able to talk hypnotically.

And trust me, it's annoying when you don't know how a language pattern in constructed either. I mean, as you think about what special ways you'll use hypnotic patterns for, ask yourself: how do they work exactly?

If you found yourself answering "I don't have the slightest idea" -- then it's time you find out right now, today. And I'm going to make it as painless as possible for you.

The Power Of Hypnotic Language Patterns

What are hypnotic language patterns?

The are carefully constructed words and phrases that make the listener unconsciously accept embedded commands and act on the commands that go into the unconscious mind, without resistance (e.g. open up to me, listen to me, pay attention, clean your room etc.)

By the way, I invite you to notice how when you use these patterns on people, how they effortlessly do what you ask them to do, without even consciously knowing why.

And of course, it just makes me quiver to think what would happen if these language patterns got in the wrong hands, because they literally FORCE people to obey your commands by using them.

So as you think about what you'll be using the hypnotic patterns for, I'll feel better when you understand that while you use these patterns to KEEP YOUR THOUGHTS CLEAN, and good. Be "nice" to people while you unleash your hypnotic fury because their mind and their actions are literally in your mercy.

You see, hypnotic patterns let you get all the attention you want from others. If you're in business, they let you make people "buy now" and yes, if your single, when you want, you can even make them sleep with you.

The More Power You Have, The More Influential You Get

Just imagine all the wild and crazy things you'll get people to think and imagine doing with you easily while you realize it can happen for you in as little as five minutes after you flip through the pages of these hypnotic patterns.

And I don't know if you can picture making people beg to sleep with you and making others line up to BUY your products or services and easily get your kids pick up their rooms, or tell you the truth always.

I certainly couldn't imagine all the power you'd feel when you're walking around with all the dozens of powerful hypnotic words and phrases that make anyone obey and listen to your commands when you decide to use these patterns on people.

But something inside me tells me YOU could.

By now, I shouldn't have to tell you the obvious benefits you'll get when you grab your copy of "Private Language Patterns" once and for all, and to know what a powerful, hypnotic language pattern consists of, and then impliment them in your life then, gain the edge over your competition.

And yes, even create your own from thin air...

So let me put your mind at ease as you become even more excited about the power you're about to bring into your life, and increase your level of persuasion power, because here's what you'll be getting:

How to write hypnotically so you can craft a killer sales letter, love letter and advertisements. Just use this blue print and create your hypnotic writing with ease.

How to use engaging text to embed your commands in your writing (italics, bold letters, highlights) and where and when to use them in your writing to create maximun hypnotic messages. You'll know exactly why the work, and how they work when you read this section -- everything's dissected!

10 hypnotic template examples. Plus, you can use these patterns to "fill in the blanks" to create your own powerful hypnotic language. PLUS, just by reading these templates, you'll easily learn from example how to craft your very own powerful hypnotic patterns in seconds.

Read through my color coded hypnotic language pattern explaining everything that's used, why it's used and how you can create your own powerful pattern in the same way, and instantly recognize everything that I show you inside "HTHAWGC." Learning covert hypnosis couldn't be easier!

When you get done reading "HTHAWGC" and learn the 16 psychological devices, I'll reveal to you inside "Private Language Patterns" my secret applications of each of these devices my staff thinks I'm nutts for doing. When you find out the exact sequence people think, you can change their thoughts at the push of a button, PLUS, lots more!

I want to let you in on a little secret: this �Pattern File � is critical to your success! I can�t tell you how much money I have invested in getting my hands on and organizing my own personal �Language Pattern� file. Above my desk I have 2 or 3 dozen 3-inch notebooks crammed-full of language patterns, power unconscious words, sales letter ads, and more!

Now these aren�t just ANY patterns or power words�no way! They are ALL psychological "trigger" patterns that have made sales, and kept my bed occupied! Basically, what I�m doing is surrounding myself with truckloads of successful patterns so that I can use it to brainstorm my new sales presentations or seduction patterns!

Having your own �Language Pattern File� is essential to being able to consistently come-up with fresh ideas for sales � and for brainstorming new angles, approaches, offers, seductions, and more! Now you�ll have a instant �jump-start� on your own killer, Hypnosis-only unconscious language Swipe File! Called "Private Language Patterns"

Instant Download: You get my �Secret Book of Unconscious Gestures � manual. This book is handy to have. You�ll use it to go over your appearance and and gestures to make sure all the essential ingredients are there before you use it! This�ll keep your body language �in check� with what works to non-verbally communicate! (Value $139)

I uncovered these practically unknown and very rare secret gestures while going through all kinds of old manuals and books from the early 1980's (when people realized the power of non-verbal communication). Inside you'll be greeted to unconscious gesture secrets that most people will never know (or never knew in the first place).

Here's what you'll be getting:

The exact posture and gestures you have to create positive or negative emotions in anyone you meet. Most people aren't aware of these triggers but their unconscious mind will immediately "pick up" on them.

Discover how the conscious mind perceives the differences in the way you dress. You'll learn what the importance is when it comes to appearance.

How you sit with others will increase or decrease your chances of persuading others. find out the simple but truth about sitting and why it's an invaluable skill to own.

Discover the non-verbal signals women make in social settings. How to know exactly when a woman is inviting you, courting you, or telling you to get lost, all with her body alone and much more!

How To Instantly put your prospects in a receptive buying mode � and make your selling effortless and easy

How to crank up the emotional volume of your body language to �trigger� your prospects mind into believing you�re an authority that makes them submit unquestioningly to whatever you propose

Unleash the power of your appearance to create psychologically stimulating �like me� signals that will draw you attention and give you the ability to attract people on a level you never dreamed possible

How to send an engaging �daze� the prompts your prospect to want to become involved with you, kiss you, become fascinated with you and when you combine this with your newly developed hypnotic skills, surrender to you � without saying word

How to make your prospect sell themselves on the idea that you�re the one to love � without any effort on your part

How to tantalize your prospect�s mind with blatant psychological seduction of the body-language signals you send

Use your knowledge of your prospects nature to present yourself in the way that is most appealing to your prospect, plus, lot�s more!

Leave out just one or two of the elements in this manual and your "like me" response will drop. That�s why I always use this manual's information on all my endeavors!

Now�when you order �Apply Hypnosis in Today's Age System� you�ll also get several sweet, sweet bonuses. But before I get to them � I want to share with you�

The Most Important Lesson I Could
Ever Teach You About Hypnosis�

Powerful, language pattern creation on- the-fly is the key to the success of any hypnotic piece you�ll ever create� including sales and seductions.


Because if you don't know how to create language patterns from thin air, your persuasion ability loses a lot of power! It just makes sense you have to know how to do this! You must learn the inside scoop on what it takes to get them to ACT towards what you want with powerful, clear-cut, focused language patterns on the fly!

In this package, I spend a lot of time going over how to create driving emotions that work. You�ll discover what�s crucial to included in every patterns, what to absolutely avoid, and ways to �create� winning patterns to sell and seduce.

But beyond the manuals, I wanted to give you something �more.� Why? Because�.

  • Your language you use either stimulate them�or it doesn't.
  • Your language either targets your specific intention�or it doesn�t.
  • Your language either pulls your prospects into your action�or it doesn�t.

Patterns-on-the-fly are so critical to your success!�in fact, the results you get are in direct proportion to the attention-getting and interest-arousing quality of what you say.

A Good Pattern Created From Thin Air Can Easily Double Or Triple Your
Response -- A Great One Can Do Even Better!

That�s why I decided to put together a collection of FREE GIFTS that have only to do with creating and profiting from killer language patterns! These are yours FREE (and instantly downloadable) when you invest in your own copy of �Apply Hypnosis in Today's Age System.�

Take a look at these awesome �Pattern Gifts��

FREE Pattern Gift #1: Indispensable�Power Words � Instantly!� (A $47 value)

This report is absolutely awesome! You�ll discover time-proven secrets to getting your words to the unconscious mind � check it out�

  • Why creating a powerful, irresistible sentence is the most valuable thing you can do!
  • What a �Power Word� has to do with your creating juicy messages � and why you�d better pay attention!
  • The meanings really powerful words have � and why you�d better make sure every few words you say delivers a complex meaning!

This is a killer report�over a whopping 325+ words (I'm constantly adding more) full of incredible power! I want it to be yours�FREE! Now let�s take a look at another �Pattern� bonus:

FREE Pattern Gift #2: �The Easy-to-Use "Induction" Pattern for Creating Powerful, Riveting, "You'll Listen to What I Say� Communication (A $27 value)

This report is one paragraph worth of solid gold!�I kid you not � use this every time you speak with someone to get inside anyone's head and everything you say will absolutely be unstoppable to their conscious mind!

This is incredibly powerful stuff � take a peek at just some of what you'll do when you use this�

  • They'll hear your voice when they think about what you describe, while you're not even there to describe it!
  • A mental picture of you will be inside their suggestible part of their mind!
  • If they don't listen to what you say - they will when you get done saying this to them, they can't resist it!
  • It's like sitting inside their head, grabbing hold of the steering wheel and turning their thoughts wherever you want!

FREE Pattern Gift #3: �Free Audio Download Revealing My Entire Language Pattern On-The-Fly Creation Process!� (A $197 value)

You get a FREE bonus 36 minutes and 53 seconds of audio "MP3" with me sharing my entire language pattern creation process and system never shared before � you�ll hear me go over my entire system, step-by-step, telling you exactly what you need to do to create!

This is one of the most useful things you�ll get out of the entire �Apply Hypnosis in Today's Age� system. For some reason, people just find it easier to sit down and learn create their patterns on-the-fly when they have a step-by-step system to follow.

Something that takes you from step one, all the way through to the last step � telling you exactly what to do. This step-by-step process will make creating your own hypnotic language patterns from thin air a total breeze!

Now these pattern Gifts aren�t all you�ll get�it�s just the start. But understanding and knowing how to craft killer influence is one of the most important things you can know about hypnosis.

But beyond language patterns �I want to do everything I possibly can to make �Apply Hypnosis in Today's Age� the ultimate package for your selling and seduction success. That�s why I�m more than happy to give you $676 dollars worth of free bonus gifts � check out all these other sweet, sweet bonuses � they�re all yours!

FREE Gift #4: �Five Minute Mind Miracle� - Self-Improvement and Meditation! (A $59 value)

Reveals how to set up your session, think of a specific situation, turn towards the future, and hot-wire your brain to deliver more and more success each day and achieve your goals easily.

There are only 4 simple steps to complete this exorcise and only takes five minutes to do! Find out how I used this secret mind-power programming technique to boost my financial condition in ONE day! Plus, you'll discover how to increase your psychic power, mind power, and create a greased chute that floods your future with positive outcomes, situations and circumstances. I've seen similar techniques sell for as much as $70 - you're learning it free!

FREE Gift #5: �You've Been Tricked� - Mass & Media Hypnosis?! (A $49 value)

Discover how you're being subliminally brainwashed or if it's all just a myth!

None-the-less, this eBook will prove to be essentail for your survival and success. Break free from all who are hurting you and even discover how this whole "system" has a weakness and how you can create incredible amounts of money because of this severe weakness. This eBook can't stay online long.

Free Bonus Gift #6: MP3 "Covert Hypnosis Convoy Lesson"

As you're listening to this MP3, you will experience as I tell you first hand how to get started with results producing covert hypnosis. Now, of course you're probably thinking that learning what I'm showing you in the book is good enough, but to learn covert hypnosis in audio too is even better! And it is! Because I'm showing you first hand how to effectively apply covert hypnosis! There's no guesswork. I sat down in the professionally recorded studio for over six hours. I edited, re-edited and cut the material down to one hour of solid, hard-hitting covert hypnosis applications you can begin to apply right away! ($97 value) Today, you're getting it free!

So with the three killer eBooks, the FREE bonus audio MP3's revealing my entire language pattern on-the-fly creation process and how to apply covert hypnosis; over 325 dynamite unconscious power words; the �Golden Paragraph� language pattern to set yourself up to be inside someone's mind, 5-Minute Mind Miracle, You've Been Tricked�you�re getting everything you need to make sure your persuasion attempts work for you so you can generate all the juicy "do what I say" language and unconscious communication!

And remember�

You Get a No-Risk, 60 Day Money-Back Guarantee

Try �Apply Hypnosis in Today's Age� for the next 60 Days. If after you put my proven unconscious communication techniques to the test and try them for a full 60 days, you find that it hasn�t brought you in at least TEN TIMES WHAT YOU PAID FOR IT simply return it for a complete, no-hassle refund.

And the FREE bonuses (worth $676) are yours to keep even if you do get your money back!

As you can probably tell, with everything I've packed into �Apply Hypnosis in Today's Age� this program is a true bargain. And with a guarantee like this, the absolute worst that can happen is you�ll come out $668 ahead with all the FREE killer bonuses!

Here�s how to get going:

If you�re serious about increasing your persuasion and influence, you can�t wait. You need to take immediate action by Sunday, March 16, 2025 .

As a special bonus to you, you're getting the entire �Apply Hypnosis in Today's Age� package (Products and bonuses valued at $946!) for a paltry $79 when you place your order by Sunday, March 16, 2025 !

It�s easy to get started now. Just click here to order using our secure server and you can download the entire package instantly when you make a payment. OR, you can get the course for free.

Look, just by studying this program you�re going to learn the most valuable skill you could possibly have when it comes to influencing and persuading anyone�

The Ability to Craft Communication To Compel
People to Instantly Surrender To Your Hypnotic Influence!

And if you�re selling �trash� or planning to use this for the ill � then I don�t want your order.

Please understand...there�s a huge responsibility that you take on when you �own� such an amazing skill as hypnosis. Why?

Because it gives you an awesome power over people.

It�s the power to motivate. It�s the power to inspire. It�s the power to change lives � your life, as well as your customers and potential lovers.

You must promise me that you�ll do �good� with such a power in your possession. You see, I wasn�t just blowing hot air when I said, �unconscious communication is the most valuable skill you can own� earlier in this letter.

My �Apply Hypnosis in Today's Age� program will give you that skill. I guarantee it.

So why bother and throw your same old, worn-out persuasion out to the marketplace or night-club again? That�ll just leave you hoping and praying that your next promotion or seduction attempt works-out.

Why even put yourself through it?

Instead, why not invest in your ability to take control of your communication, increase your lifestyle, and make more money and love by getting �Apply Hypnosis in Today's Age� in your hands!

With it, you�ll uncover the real secrets to persuading and influencing others on an unconscious level. Everything you do in social situations relies on having killer communication! Look at it this way:

$79 is a painless drop in the bucket compared to all the time and money you�re going to waste trying to get your little influence to make sales and seductions with wimpy, worthless communication! Looking at it that way�

You Really Can�t Afford Not
To Invest In This Program!

Don�t you think you owe it to yourself to move on this incredible chance to change the way your persuasion results are turning out? Take action now, while it�s fresh on your mind. �Apply Hypnosis in Today's Age� will give you the powerful unconscious communicating skills you need to make sure your persuasion is a total success!

Don�t put this off�you�re worth it!

Order your copy of �Apply Hypnosis in Today's Age� right now. That way you can get on a fast track to increasing your sales and love making right away.

Order At The Secure Order Form NOW!

Yes! I'm ready to Make More Sales and Seduce Others Easily with Proven, Tested Techniques & Easy-To-Follow Formulas for creating killer unconscious communication persuasion!

I want to supercharge the results-getting performance of every word I say, gesture I make, or persuasion I create by getting "Apply Hypnosis in Today's Age" today...

Click Here to Order Now...

Get this course free...


Nathan Blaszak

P.S. Remember, the risk is entirely on me. You can use every strategy and technique for 60 days and prove to yourself that they work as well as I�ve promised. If you don�t get at least 10 times the value of what you paid for the program, OR if you aren�t satisfied, for any reason, just return it for a prompt, full refund. But keep the bonuses as my way of saying thanks.

You�ve got absolutely nothing to lose � and substantial sales and lovers to gain. Click here to order using our secure server. Click here to get this course free.

P.P.S. Whether you�re a complete beginner or a seasoned pro, �Apply Hypnosis In Today's Age� gives you a powerful arsenal of tools for improving the results of all your selling, persuasion, influence and seduction attempts. You get everything you need to create powerful sales-making, child compliance and love-generating persuasion right from the get-go. Click here and order now.

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